Dark Forest: Reborn is a self-funded game. It will be released no matter what.

We don't need to spend time focusing on marketing and crowdfunding nor do we require donations to complete the development, but if you want to support the game now, we appreciate that.

Contributions and rewards

Every donation we receive will go towards extending the game. We will add more quests, more game mechanics, more dialogue, and more voice acting.

- 15$ or more - [Citizen v.2.0] You will be rewarded with a DF: Reborn Steam key.

- 20$ or more - [Ariel's Puppet] Your name will be added to the game's credits.

- 50$ or more - [Diaspar: Unsurpassed Power] We'll write a short story of your demise in the darkest future of humanity.

Your in-game avatar will be able to ask the player one question. Based on the player's response, it will make a comment (we will send you a short guide).

Dark Forest: Reborn is a high-quality text-based adventure. Its price on release will be $30.